Using Apex

Apex pulls data from the GP system and presents it in easy to use dashboards that enable the user to view data on Appointments usage and capacity; Population Health and Workforce at Practice and/or PCN level. This bundle of videos includes a look at some of the most useful Reports; how Apex can be used to support Clinician Appraisal and how you can use it to collect and collate your Enhanced Access figures for submission to the CCG.

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1. Start
2. Services section at 0m 0s
3. Local Services Tab at 0m 23s
4. View Services that your Org has created at 0m 38s
5. Create a new Service at 0m 57s
6. Tag your Service at 1m 9s
7. Add Filters - Session Holders at 1m 20s
8. Add Filters - Session Category at 2m 24s
9. Add Filters - Slot Types at 2m 38s
10. View Summary of your Service at 3m 2s
11. The Outcome Tab at 3m 19s
12. Edit a Service at 3m 34s
13. Delete Service at 3m 35s
14. Create a Service with multiple layers at 3m 41s
15. Copy an existing Service at 4m 3s
16. Using Tags at 4m 43s
17. Enterprise Requests at 5m 32s

Video content



1. Start
2. Pre-requisites for a DNA report at 0m 0s
3. Did Not Attend Report at 0m 33s
4. Filter options at 0m 41s
5. DNA Rate section of the report at 1m 0s
6. Day & Time Breakdown of the report at 1m 45s
7. Rates Tab in at 2m 12s
8. Counts Tab in at 2m 18s
9. Duration Tab in at 2m 21s
10. Routine vs Extended Hours DNA comparison at 2m 47s
11. Appointment Location DNA comparison at 3m 3s
12. DNA data by Session Holder at 3m 11s
13. DNAs with prior urgent attendance at 3m 45s
14. DNAs for Registered GP vs Usual GP at 4m 4s
15. Number of Patients with multiple DNAs at 4m 24s
16. Patient Age/Sex profile for DNAs at 4m 41s
17. Current LTCs of patients who DNA at 4m 44s
18. DNAs against booked appointment date at 4m 56s
19. DNAs related to Session Type at 5m 24s
20. DNAs related to Slot Type at 5m 39s
21. Top 100 Patients who have DNA at 5m 52s
22. Map view at 6m 44s

Video content



1. Start
2. Prerequisites for the Reattendance Report at 0m 0s
3. Navigate to Reattendance Report page at 0m 52s
4. Filters at 0m 58s
5. Unique patients seen at 1m 34s
6. Attended Appointments at 1m 40s
7. Percentage of patients attended more than once at 1m 44s
8. Percentage with following appointments within 28 days at 1m 48s
9. Duration of appts that follow and appt within 28 days at 2m 0s
10. Average attendance per patient at 2m 8s
11. Percentage of frequent attenders at 2m 10s
12. Patient Attendance breakdown graph at 2m 21s
13. Appts with a following appt within 28 days - trend at 2m 39s
14. Appts with a following appt by return period at 2m 55s
15. Patient profile - Age/Sex and LTCs at 3m 13s
16. Top 100 patients at 3m 44s
17. Appt is within 28 days - by Clinician at 4m 18s
18. Who do patients see next? - Same or different clinician? at 4m 55s

Video content



1. Start
2. Activate Data Sharing Agreement at 0m 0s
3. Link EA appt slots at 0m 45s
4. Completing a Submission at 1m 40s
5. Select week for Submission at 1m 48s
6. Selecting appointments (All or individual) at 2m 46s
7. View Summary of Submission at 3m 13s
8. Complete Submission at 3m 40s
9. Download a copy of the Submission at 3m 59s

Video content



1. Start
2. Find the Appraisal Report at 0m 0s
3. Select who will be the report subject at 0m 53s
4. Select a group as the report subject at 0m 57s
5. Select report timeframe at 1m 3s
6. Compare three subjects at 1m 12s
7. Compare yourself with yourself over different time periods at 1m 15s
8. Compare two groups at 1m 38s
9. Compare total no of patients seen at 1m 53s
10. Compare Percentage of male and female patients seen at 1m 59s
11. Compare average age of patients seen at 2m 2s
12. Percentage of pts seen with 1 or more LTCs at 2m 7s
13. Percentage of pts seen more than once at 2m 8s
14. Appointment Activity Section at 2m 20s
15. No. of booked appts at 2m 21s
16. Percentage of appts via telephone or digitally at 2m 28s
17. Average no. of Home Visits at 2m 41s
18. Average no. of Extended Hours appts at 2m 50s
19. DNAs at 2m 59s
20. Average 'booked to seen' time at 3m 7s
21. Average consultation duration at 3m 12s
22. Waiting times at 3m 21s
23. Percentage of pts returning within 14 days at 3m 30s
24. Show Breakdown for more detail at 3m 44s
25. Clinical Activity Section at 4m 0s
26. Consultations at 4m 3s
27. Referrals at 4m 7s
28. Test requests at 4m 11s
29. Test results handled at 4m 15s
30. Documents handled at 4m 20s
31. Medication issues at 4m 37s
32. Smears and Coils at 4m 47s
33. Flu Vaccinations at 4m 55s
34. Compare GP Registrars with other Qualified GPs at 4m 57s
35. Export report to PDF at 6m 16s

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