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Choose from our tailored video tutorials packaged exclusively for those working in healthcare.


This bundle contains videos that may be of particular interest to anyone with the role of an ANP. The content includes, for example, videos on: Navigating, configuring and using EMIS Web from the clinician’s..

Academy of Digital Health – ORCHA – Foundation 2

Building on foundation module 1, this module will examine digital health prescription in more detail. Starting with the importance of prescribing digital health, through the module we will explore different ways of prescribing digital health products,..

Academy of Digital Health – ORCHA – Intro & Foundation 1

The first of 2 modules introduces the field of digital health, covering key concepts, challenges, and opportunities. We’ll look at the current digital health landscape, including key statistics for health apps and mobile healthcare, and..

Care Coordinator

This bundle contains videos that may be of particular interest to anyone with the role of a Care Coordinator. The content includes, for example, videos on: Finding Patients and the Patient Précis Bar; navigating,..

Care Navigator

This bundle contains videos that may be of particular interest to anyone with the role of a Care Navigator. The content includes, for example, videos on: Finding Patients and the Patient Précis Bar; navigating,..

Changes to Patient Online Access to Records from July 22

From April 2022 patients aged 16 or over (and 13-16 if deemed competent) will be able to see all future information added to their GP record, via their online record access app. This bundle contains information about..

Clinical Pharmacist

This bundle contains videos that may be of particular interest to anyone with the role of a Clinical Pharmacist. The content includes, for example, videos on: Navigating, configuring and using EMIS Web from the clinician’..

Confidentiality Policies in EMIS Web

This video looks at how Confidentiality Policies can be used in EMIS Web to hide data from people who should not have access to it. Going from hiding single data items, to whole consultations and..

EMIS Web Appointments

This bundle takes a closer look at the EMIS Web Appointment Book from the point of view of the Receptionist and the Session Holder, focussing on the functionality that each of those roles will need..

EMIS Web Care Record

The EMIS Web Care Record consists of multiple modules each of which is covered in its own video within this bundle. As well as a general overview of how to navigate around the Care Record,..

EMIS Web Clinical Templates

This bundle contains a set of videos that talk you through how to create Clinical Templates in EMIS Web. It begins with an overview/introduction and then each video covers a small element of the..

EMIS Web Concepts and Protocols

This bundle is aimed at beginners and gives an introductory overview to Concepts and Protocols in EMIS Web. Starting with the basics of Concepts, the videos walk you through what these are for, how you..

EMIS Web Configuration

There are many ways to customise EMIS Web to make it easier and quicker to navigate around. This bundle includes a variety of videos that touch on the different features that will help you use..

EMIS Web Remote Consultations

This bundle describes the EMIS Web ‘Remote Consultations’ functionality (sometimes referred to as EMIS Enterprise). The videos describe the features from the different points of view of the user: One video focussing on how an..

EMIS Web Searches

This bundle of videos breaks down EMIS Web Searches into bite-size mini videos that each tackle a single aspect of the topic. The bundle is designed to enable you to start with the first video..

East Cheshire Cardiovascular Project

This project is a voluntary Enhanced Service offered to practices in Cheshire East Place aimed at improving the several aspects of Cardiovascular care. It includes work on the 3 risk factors, AF, Blood Pressure and Cholesterol..

First Contact Physio

This bundle contains videos that may be of particular interest to anyone with the role of a First Contact Physiotherapist. The content includes, for example, videos on: Navigating, configuring and using EMIS Web from the..

Forgotten your EMIS Login info?

A small bundle consisting of a pair of videos that talk you through what to do if you have forgotten your EMIS Web Username or Password, and the importance of completing the Security Details in..

GDPR & IG Training

This bundle looks at some of the different rules and laws which are applied when dealing with personal and health data. The videos range from providing an overview of the basic principles to explaining how..


This bundle contains videos that may be of particular interest to anyone with the role of a GP. The content includes, for example, videos on: Navigating, configuring and using EMIS Web from the clinician’s..

GP Appointment Data (GPAD)

This set of videos talks EMIS Web users through the GPAD programme including preparation for it, and its impact on how to use the new National Slot Types and manage the EMIS Appointment Book to..

Getting Started with Ardens EMIS

This bundle contains a set of videos that introduce you to the key areas of Ardens in EMIS Web – the stuff that’s useful when you’re only getting started. Other bundles will take you..


This bundle contains videos that may be of particular interest to anyone with the role of an HCA. The content includes, for example, videos on: Navigating, configuring and using EMIS Web from the clinician’s..

Keito machines in the waiting room

This bundle describes how a Keito machine in the waiting room can give your patients the ability to record their own observations (height, weight, BP and BMI) and supports the roll-out of these machines to..

Lexacom Digital Dictation

One of our experts guides you through our digital dictation solution, Lexacom 3: how to create, review, workflow, transcribe, and track your dictations, as well as manage users, monitor workflow and configure the software.

Lexacom Echo Speech Recognition

One of our experts gives full training of our speech recognition software, Lexacom Echo, including its unique ability to recognise medical phrases and terms, and convert these into detailed descriptions, shorthand, and easy to understand..

Medical Secretary

This bundle contains videos that may be of particular interest to anyone with the role of a Medical Secretary. The content includes, for example, videos on: Navigating, configuring and using the EMIS Web Care Record;..

Nursing Associate

This bundle contains videos that may be of particular interest to anyone with the role of a Nursing Associate. The content includes, for example, videos on: Navigating, configuring and using EMIS Web from the clinician’..

Patient Leaflets and Professional Resources on ‘patient.info’

This video shows the huge amount of resources available to share with patients, or to use for your own professional knowledge, on the 'patient.info' website - and includes how to access those resources directly..

Pharmacy Technician

This bundle contains videos that may be of particular interest to anyone with the role of a Pharmacy Technician. The content includes, for example, videos on: Navigating, configuring and using EMIS Web; sending Tasks and..

Physician Associate

This bundle contains videos that may be of particular interest to anyone with the role of a Physician Associate. The content includes, for example, videos on: Navigating, configuring and using EMIS Web from the clinician’..

Practice Admin

This bundle contains videos that may be of particular interest to anyone with the role of a Practice Administrator. The content includes, for example, videos on: Navigating, configuring and using the EMIS Web Care Record;..

Practice Manager

This bundle contains videos that may be of particular interest to anyone with the role of a Practice Manager. The content includes, for example, videos on: Navigating, configuring and using the EMIS Web Care Record;..

Practice Nurse

This bundle contains videos that may be of particular interest to anyone with the role of a Practice Nurse. The content includes, for example, videos on: Navigating, configuring and using EMIS Web from the clinician’..


This bundle contains videos that may be of particular interest to anyone with the role of a Receptionist. The content includes, for example, videos on: Navigating, configuring and using EMIS Web; sending Tasks and Screen..

Recording blood pressure results taken by non-clinicians

This bundle provides resources for the TECS (Technology Enabled Care Services) project which supports measurement of blood pressure by patients themselves using a BP monitor in the Waiting Room, or by non-clinicians in a practice...


This bundle contains videos that may be of particular interest to anyone with the role of a Registrar. The content includes, for example, videos on: Navigating, configuring and using EMIS Web from the clinician’s..

Sense Anywhere Fridge Monitoring

This bundle contains several short video tutorials that show you how to navigate the software of the SenseAnywhere temperature monitoring system, SAClient. The SenseAnywhere data loggers feed your temperature data to SAClient via the cloud..

Social Prescribing Link Worker

This bundle contains videos that may be of particular interest to anyone with the role of a Social Prescribing Link Worker. The content includes, for example, videos on: Navigating, configuring and using EMIS Web; recording..

The Cheshire Care Record (CCR)

This bundle describes the Cheshire Care Record (CCR). It includes a video describing the CCR, its benefits, and how to use it to support direct patient care. The associated resources for the bundle provides a..

Using Apex

Apex pulls data from the GP system and presents it in easy to use dashboards that enable the user to view data on Appointments usage and capacity; Population Health and Workforce at Practice and/or..

Using the CQRS Portal

This video is designed for Practice Managers and Business Managers in particular, who are new to the wonders of the CQRS portal. It gives an overview of the key features of the portal from the..

Using the RECAP Template on EMIS

This video looks at the Template that has been created in EMIS Web in South Cheshire & Vale Royal GP Alliance to support their involvement in the RECAP (Remote Covid-19 Assessment in Primary Care) study. This..

Webpost – Hybrid Mail Delivery

Webpost have created these short videos for you, if you are a new user or just need a little reminder. Whether you are sending recall letters, vaccine invitations, appointment reminders or just surgery updates, give..

Yellow Card submission on EMIS Web

An overview of two ways to create and submit a Yellow Card on EMIS Web to report an Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR). Firstly, the option in the 'Patient Actions' section of the Medication Page Ribbon..

e-Referrals and Managed Referrals

Two commonly used methods of creating referrals in EMIS Web are covered in this bundle. The Managed Referrals video is specific to making referrals directly to CCICP in Cheshire, but gives you an idea of..

myGP Connect - App

The myGP app is iPLATO's online solution for patients. It gives the option for online booking, private campaign invitations (via call/recall) and credit-free data messaging.

myGP Connect - Messaging

myGP Connect contains a variety of messaging functionality. From creating an adhoc text, to sending a bulk message, or assigning a clinical code as a response for automated recording in your clinical system.

Our Partners

iplato Cheshire & Merseyside South Cheshire & Vale Royal GP Alliance Howbeck Healthcare Edenbridge Pathways CIC Lexacom Ardens Healthcare Informatics The Cheshire Care Record Webpost iGPR